How to Create a Free Instagram Landing Page

Instagram landing pages are becoming more and more common as the popularity of the platform for business use grows. Instagram offers a URL field to users who want to share their website with their followers. However, Instagram limits you to just one link in your profile at a time. You can’t share links within the posts themselves.

As a personal user, you don’t really need to have multiple links available in the URL field, but as a business owner, you may want the possibility to direct your followers to several different pages of your website depending on their needs or interests.

That’s where an Instagram landing page comes in. This one link can direct your followers to multiple destinations of your choosing.

Free Instagram Landing Page

While there are some paid apps that help you with this for a few dollars a month, I’m going to show you how to create a FREE Instagram landing page today using WordPress.

You can see an example of my own Instagram Links page here: Instagram

Start by going to Pages > Add New.

Give your Page a title like “Instagram Links” and a simple slug like Instagram or IG

Above the text editor, click Text to access the HTML version of your page.

Now, copy and paste the following code into your text editor:

<a style="border-bottom: none;" href="URL"><button style="background: #eee; color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; font-weight: bold; width: 100%;">LINKTEXT</button></a>

<a style="border-bottom: none;" href="URL"><button style="background: #eee; color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; font-weight: bold; width: 100%;">LINKTEXT</button></a>

<a style="border-bottom: none;" href="URL"><button style="background: #eee; color: #000; border: 1px solid #000; font-weight: bold; width: 100%;">LINKTEXT</button></a>

Each line is equivalent to one link on your page. You can add as many or as few as you like! Once you have the proper amount, you’ll need to edit the URL and the text that will appear to your readers.

To add your first URL, edit the area marked URL between the quotes.

To add the corresponding Link Text, edit the area marked LINKTEXT in between the brackets (> and <). You can write in this space as you normally would.

Do this for each link you need.

Once you’re done, click Publish, and voila! You’ve got a free instagram landing page to use in your Instagram bio. Every time you publish a new post on Instagram with more information on your website, you can link to it from this page.

Don’t forget to update your Instagram bio Website field from here:

What Links to Include on an Instagram Landing Page

You may be wondering what types of links are useful to include on your landing page. The most obvious answer is to include links to your latest blog posts, but beyond that, you could direct followers to your email list subscribe page, your about page, or even your contact page. I definitely recommend trying to capture as many emails of your followers as possible. You do not own your Instagram page, but you do own your email marketing list!

I hope this post helped you improve your Instagram marketing. Don’t hesitate to sign up for our weekly mailing list below for more tips on how to grow your blog and earn money online.

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