The ONE Thing That Pushes a Blog Over the $100k Threshold

Wondering what the secret sauce is to earn more than $100k per year from blogging? This Mediavine Facebook group post tells all.

While I know this title reads very clickbaity, just hear me out. You may learn a thing or two!

48 bloggers responded to the question with the one thing that pushed them over the 6-figure edge.

Here were the most common responses!

Income Sources 6-Figure Bloggers

Here are some of the most impactful things you can do to give your blog earning potential a boost:

Courses and Products

Creating your own educational courses and digital products can generate blog income beyond just advertising. By packaging your expertise into premium offers, you can charge prices reflective of the value you provide. For example, an e-commerce course, freelancing templates, or 1-on-1 consulting can easily drive five to six figures in sales.

Affiliate Marketing

Promoting relevant products as an affiliate partner of brands related to your niche allows you to earn healthy commissions passively from readers who convert. Proactively participating in affiliate programs and strategically integrating affiliate links allows this income stream to scale up significantly.

Outsourcing Tasks

Delegating time-intensive tasks like content production, graphic design, web development, and social media management to skilled freelancers and agencies boosts your productivity. The time savings allow you to focus more on high-value activities like course creation, client work, and optimization.

Brand Partnerships

Collaborating with brands in your industry through sponsored posts, brand ambassador roles, and other partnerships provides direct earning potential through pay-per-post rates and monthly retainers. As an authority in your space, paid partnerships get easier to secure.

Email Marketing

Building an email subscriber list and using email sequences/funnels to sell products drives recurring sales. Email converts at higher rates than most channels and allows you to market to readers directly in their inboxes. This works hand-in-hand with your courses, services, and affiliate offers.


Creating continually updated, SEO-content that targets high-value keyword terms directly correlates to the amount of free traffic, leads, and sales a blog generates. Prioritizing topics aligned to user intent and search volume growth potential maximizes the blog’s reach and visibility.

Video Content

Incorporating rich media like YouTube videos and IGTV has a multiplying effect on web page views, social reach, and conversion rates. Video content boosts authority, trust, and engagement metrics—all of which enhance monetization opportunities.

Multiple Streams

Having diversified monetization sources through any combination of ads, affiliate marketing, branded sponsorships, products, and services hedges risk and provides earnings stability. Multiple income streams allow overall revenues to transcend volatility in any individual channel.


Optimizing content for organic search and pursuing backlinks from reputable websites ranked highly in search engines allows you to tap into visitor intent and get found by buyers actively looking for solutions. Higher organic traffic and conversions increase sales potential across the board.


Leveraging a Facebook page or Group to market offerings and engage followers in a community allows for direct connections with highly targeted users. Facebook’s advertising platform also provides extensive targeting capabilities to promote products and services.


Securing backlinks from niche influencers, guest posting on authoritative sites, and participating in blogger outreach campaigns renders exponential returns in referral traffic and downstream conversion rates. Backlinks signal trust, relevancy, and authority to search algorithms.

Offering Services

Monetizing your expertise through tailored, premium 1-on-1 services allows you to earn higher rates while making a big impact with clients. Coaching and consulting packages or done-for-you services maximize value delivered in exchange for higher prices.

Reaching $100,000 in annual earnings from a blog is a major milestone for any blogger or content creator. While getting there takes significant effort, focus, and persistence, bloggers who implement smart monetization strategies can push their earnings into six-figures.

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