Free Blogging Course

Those who can’t do, teach.

I never understood why so many “successful” bloggers launched paid courses on how to blog. If they’re so successful with their blogs, then why do they need to charge money to teach others to do the same?

The worst is when I see a blogger with a course, and I look at their income reports and 90% of their income comes from Bluehost – meaning they want to be paid to teach people how to blog when all they know is how to blog about blogging.

It’s just baffling.

I blog about real-world subjects like beauty, fashion, travel, finance, and home decor, among other topics.

I don’t need to charge money for a course. My blogs already earn me six figures per year.

I especially don’t want to charge money to people who need to make extra money and improve their financial situation. It’s like sending a cancer patient a six-figure bill for their treatment – something I find ethically reprehensible.

That’s why my “blogging course” is free. It’s this website. You’re already on it.

I guess this is my way of giving back.



Let’s get started on launching a profitable blog. I’m going to share with you the cheapest way to start a money-making blog. It’s not free, but the investment is minimal compared to the potential to earn. The only investments you’ll have to make are a custom domain name and a good web host. These should total less than $100 for your first year.

Before we begin, please read these articles on the concept of making money with websites. Start to think about the topic you feel would be best for you to write a blog about.

How Do Bloggers Make Money?

7 Types of Blogs on the Internet

10 Most Profitable Blog Niches

Preliminary Work

Get Set Up


Creating content is the bulk of the work involved in running a profitable blog. I hope you like writing because you’re going to be doing a lot of it.


Define Your Blogging Content Strategy




Traffic is a key part of generating blog income. The more people visit your site, the greater your earnings will be. Learn how to drive long-term, sustainable traffic to your blog.

How to Grow a Blog’s Traffic

Measure Your Traffic: Google Site Kit for Bloggers

Google Analytics Reports





This section explains the details of how to monetize a niche blog and grow a blog’s revenue.

How to Monetize a Blog

Display Ads

I recommend starting to monetize your blog with Google AdSense display ads. Once your blog gets 50,000 sessions per month, you can apply to join a premium ad network like Mediavine.

Affiliate Marketing

You can also start earning money on your blog through affiliate marketing fairly quickly.


These blog revenue strategies require you to have a fairly sizable, established audience that trusts you. It’s good to start thinking about them now.


Once your online business is up and running, you’ll need to fine-tune some of the aspects involved in managing it day to day. Staying legal is just as important as staying productive.


Once your blog is consistently earning income, it’s time to really get the engine going. These steps will help you turn your blog from a side hustle into a real business.

Class dismissed.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments of this post, or any other on my website!


  1. Hi,

    I really like your blog! I’m a very beginner blogger and I’m so excited to find your website and to learn from you. I like how your keep your website clean from ads, big plus. Please keep going!

  2. Hi there,
    I want to thank you for sharing such valuable stuff.

    I’ve read so many blog authorities, have e-books, PDFS and you name it, but because I have ADHD, the process of organization and structure overwhelms me, and your site is so helpful! I love the behind-the-scenes, how you organize your posts. I really appreciate it!

  3. Hi, may i first one and only indonesian blogger that inspired your blog. I not english fluent, but i know about your ‘means’ in every post of your blog.

    Your storytelling setence is hipnotic. Regard me to study about blogging from you. Thanks.

  4. Thank you for this information. I am just learning what it means to have a blog and how to create quality posts. I am not trying to be an “expert” in the field I am writing in, but I do have enough experience to write about my topic (as well as get into other niches). All I need to do is learn about monetization and SEO.

    Thank you again!

  5. Hi This is Maribeth again and where I am at now is Constant Contact not Connect Contact. I was about ready to do my emails. I felt alone and not any help. I like how you have everything in a list to do. And how to do it. So I tried so many different websites. I just didn’t get anywhere. I just want to write and then I have to set this whole website up and I get lost. I have been trying to get to blogging I am embarrassed to say almost a year.
    Thank you,
    Maribeth Bieber

  6. What a kind heart & giving spirit mixed into all of the morals & character…. you are a rare breed my friend.
    Thank you for caring & sharing 🥰


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